Sketch Journal

Sketch Journal

July 2022 to present

I started my “sketch journal” close to the beginning of July 2022. There was a lot going on at the time (a recent death of a loved one’s parent, onboarding for a new job, and a looming deadline to find and purchase a car), and I was having trouble expressing how I felt.

I’d had a ragged pad of 11″x14″ Strathmore drawing paper that somehow survived two moves, a fire & a flood, and a few months in a storage bin with some camping supplies & expired jelly. This seemed like a good canvas to let loose and experiment with. I decided to do one drawing a day for as long as I could, or at least felt I needed it.

This is the result! I went through the Strathmore pad, and shortly after decided to buy a dedicated sketchbook to draw in as often as possible to help sort out my mood.

My methodology is as follows: scribble something simple to start, and then keep adding elements until the page visually represents how I feel in the moment. It’s interesting to look back on what I’ve drawn and identify the patterns I keep coming back to. I find checkerboards and grids especially soothing to draw, and clouds and flowers are a frequent theme.

You can click on each image to view it in greater detail, or look at the gallery as a whole.